
Posts Tagged ‘Self-promotion’

Gearing Up

February 22, 2016 21 comments
Gearing Up by Debra H. Goldstein

It’s coming!  Will I survive?  The hardcover version of Should Have Played Poker: a Carrie


New – April 20, 2016

Martin and the Mah Jongg Players Mystery already is available for pre-order, but on April 20, 2016 the print and e-book versions will launch.  I’m excited and scared. I thought the hard work was over – after all, I wrote the book, but now I need to publicize it.

For a shy person who spent a lifetime as a judge deliberately flying under the radar, this is a daunting proposition. Consequently, I’ve been observing others to see if there is a persona I can adopt. Here’s what I’ve observed:
a) Master Promoter – so much in my face that I want to puke (not my style)
b) Promoting is Gauche – and that’s why nobody bought your books after your family and friends helped the first day along (enough said)
c) Calm, Kind, and All Over the Place – Where does Hank get all that energy from? Surely eating five crackers at a sitting isn’t the source.  (Can’t be duplicated except the kindness)
d) Volunteer Persona – leaves no time for writing or personal work (can well understand that one)
e) Networker – relationship builder (good if combined with c and d but problematic with style a)
f) Nurturer – helps others (good when combined with elements of c, d, and e)
g) Stumbler – what will be will be, but I’ll try (a natural fit)
What I finally realized is that it isn’t the persona I adopt that is going to make a difference, but whether those of you who read Should Have Played Poker enjoy it and recommend it to your friends, family, bookgroups, social media groups and anyone else you can think of.  I hope you find it a fun and easy read and more importantly, I hope you choose to read it.  I may not have the persona for PR, but I relish making new friends.  As the song goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old.”  The same is true for those of you supporting me on this journey and those I will meet in the months ahead.    Debra
P.S. I guess I should tell you that on May 3 from 5-7 p.m. at Little Professor Bookstore in Homewood, there will be a live signing where all royalties from books sold will be going to the YWCA of Central Alabama’s domestic violence program and Collat Jewish Family Service’s CARES dementia respite program.  In fact, that’s the same scenario for any print or e-book purchased between now and May 30 from any source (if it is an Amazon purchase, forward a copy of your email purchase confirmation to . Thanks in advance.



BSP AND BEING A WRITER by Debra H. Goldstein

dhg-photo.jpgBSP AND BEING A WRITER by Debra H. Goldstein

Creativity, diligence, networking, engaging in BSP, and a lot of luck characterize most successful writers.  Although a writer can’t predict luck, the other factors are all within a writer’s control.

Every story, poem, or novel begins with an idea.  The key is whether the writer has the work ethic to take imagination, produce a work product and then rewrite it until it is polished.  Many would-be writers talk a good game, but don’t follow through.  There are a million excuses to avoid writing.  Some of mine include: I’m preparing things for my daughter’s wedding; we’re traveling because of family events; I’m trying to add exercise into my life and the classes interrupt my writing schedule; I went to lunch at 11:30 and we had so much fun it was 2:30 before I left the restaurant to do my other errands; or I just don’t feel creative today.  (Other than the dog ate my notebook, what are some of your excuses???)

Although writing is a solitary activity, being known helps one’s writing be read.  J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series proved this adage with the dismal sales of her new crime novel, The Cuckoo’s Calling.  Although reviews were positive for the book, it only sold about 500 copies when people believed it to be written by a no name new author.  Once her true identity was revealed, the book became a best seller.  Most of us will never have the recognition of J.K. Rowling, but entering contests, networking with readers/fans, attending conferences, and being out there with social media is the only way to enhance sales and help a writer gain public credibility.  Many of us are comfortable networking with other people, but the big question is why is engaging in BSP (Blatant Self Promotion) so difficult?

Maybe the problem with BSP is that all of us are taught as children to be modest.  We are encouraged to achieve goals and win awards, but we are called out if we rub other people’s noses in our success.  For the past week, I have been flying high because the first chapter of my work in progress, Should Have Played Poker:  a Mah Jongg Murder Mystery, received a 2013 Alabama Writers Conclave First Chapter Award, but other than an “I’m dancing on the table” posting on Facebook the night of the award, I wasn’t initially able to bring myself to fully publicize it.  My friends thought me crazy.  It was only after one wanted to write a press release, another friend put it on her Facebook and twitter pages, and one sent it out as an e-mail to a group of our friends, that I finally got around to adding the news to my website, linked in information, and thought about addressing it in this week’s blog.  I’m working on being more out there but I’m curious how do you feel about broadcasting this type of information about yourselves? Does it come easy or as most writers, has BSP required you to re-educate yourself to behave in a manner that isn’t innate?